A Little Bit About Me

 Lincoln S.L - The Story

Hello! Im Lincoln, a part-time freelance photographer based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and this is my photography blog. Currently, Im working full time with one of the airlines but that never stop me from doing what I love most - Photography.

I enjoy shooting  Events, Nature, Peoples and everything that catches my eyes as well as capturing beautiful landscapes. It has been a hobby(camera and photography) since i were young.

I am a self thought kind of photographer, doing a lot of research on how to improve my techniques and learn from other photographers as well. For me, the learning process never ends. To be a good photographer, you have to think outside the box with every photo that youre going to take. Its like transform something ordinary to be extra ordinary. What matter the most to me is the story behind every pictures. Always think positive and never afraid of critical comments from others.

What inspires me to photography? LIFE. The beautiful moments in life, the joyfulness, the colours, all the happy faces, the stunning sunset and the list goes on. Just like my tag line said beautiful moments are meant to be captured. 

Originally from Kuching, Sarawak, I've been living in KL since 2002 and always go back my hometown to visit my family whenever there is opportunity. I love to travel and wish to travel more in these few years to come. A Dreamer? No, am working hard on it. ;)

1 Borneo, 1 Love


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