Sunday 16 September 2012

Malaysia Day 16th Sept

Happy Malaysia Day to all personal HOPE for Malaysia: 

1)Hopefully all the promises made especially for the people of Sarawak and Sabah on the creation of this country will/can be fulfilled.

2)Hopefully future advertisement on tv/media will not only always focus on rural areas of Borneo, but also on the urban areas(not that im not proud of who i am) but just to end the Misunderstanding of peoples outside of Borneo on the way we're living our lives there.We as Malaysian, after all these years should have known better of our own country.

3)Hopefully this country can learn from Sarawak and Sabah the real spirit of 1MALAYSIA.its already been there in Borneo since a long time ago, and may the spirit and the mutual respect for each other never end.
 Together for a better Malaysia.
 cheers!! from a Malaysian.

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