Friday 5 April 2013

THE HOBBITON Finally...Middle Earth to come

Well.. i think i can proudly say that i have fulfilled one of my wish and dreams checklist as on last february, i finally manage to set foot on The Hobbiton.

Lord Of The Ring Trilogy have been my favourite film series, and i've been watching the films all and over again..and i guess what makes me really love the film apart from it's story line, was the beautiful landscape.

New Zealand, well what else can i say..i think its safe to say that it is among the beautiful country in this world(Malaysia, my country is one of it of course).It is indeed truly a great trip, to see all those beautiful landscape and culture. There are really a lot to do and see in New Zealand, and of course for me, LOTR and The Hobbit movie sites is a must although this time around i did only manage to set foot on The Hobbiton in Matamata region.

Next on my target list is to discover Middle Earth..pls enjoy some of the pictures of The Hobbiton that i took...

The i-center in Matamata town

Matamata town

The Hobbiton book guide

Those "do and dont"

The Big Tree on the middle, where all those party in the movie.

 Guess whose's place is this one?

 There are more pictures and will upload it in due time..hopefully it is worth of your time..Thank you.

© 2013 by Lincoln SL Photography. All rights reserved